Planning the great freedom


"Everything is everything I can because it's the great freedom .."


The great freedom comes and with it come all the side effects in the parents: anxiety, accounting, tremors throughout the body, uncontrollable nervousness, anger over - grandmother, education system, summer camp, neighbors ... (delete the unnecessary).

Most of us, the parents, are afraid of the great freedom. why? Because you have to take care of the child for full employment, because you also have to work (sometimes) and mainly because it costs a lot of money!

So it is also possible otherwise! It is possible to pass the freedom in peace without excessive expenses.

One can even enjoy at leisure unconventional activities that do not require heavy financial expenses and one can even learn from the

For more informative and spicy article  

Enjoy the little things

First and foremost we need to understand that our children need freedom, which means there is no need to fill their days from morning to evening with such and such activities.

Sometimes it is important to allow the child to "get bored". A "bored" child will find employment! In my opinion there is no such thing as boring for a child. But because from a very young age the parents fill every free moment with the child (classes, attractions ...) a situation is created where children do not know how to occupy themselves alone and "invent" special activities.

Also when children are flooded from an early age with many stimuli they develop a dependence on a high level of stimulation and it is very difficult for them to find satisfaction or pleasure from “normal” things.


This creates a vicious circle that as the parents flood the child with stimulating activities, the child needs more stimuli and it is difficult to meet the demand.

So let's bring back the sanity to parents and children and teach them to enjoy the little things too and especially that happiness does not always buy with money, one can enjoy free things.


A plan for the great freedom

And for that matter - planning the great freedom - where with your child / children a plan for freedom will be built on a weekly basis, ie what is expected to be in the coming week.

Children like to know in advance what is expected of them (even adults) so that they can prepare for it.

Do not say "get revenge tomorrow and decide" what to do, until you decide half a day will pass, the child will already go crazy from waiting for a decision and then there is not enough time left to carry out what you have decided.

Plan ahead and share the child's plans.

You can share more activities with other friends and you can rotate with other families, each time the activity with someone else (then it is important to sit together and plan the activities in advance)

I am sure you have many more good and simple ideas that each of us can implement without much effort. Share us.

Recommends hanging a work plan Weekly on the refrigerator / door - mark every day what the plan is (possibly by a picture or in writing for children who are already reading) and so the child knew the night before what the plan is, what awaits him.


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